Do you know about AIS?

Efficient customs processes are essential for keeping businesses competitive and for companies importing goods into Ireland or the UK, the Automated Import System (AIS) offers a streamlined solution.

What is AIS?

AIS is Ireland’s national electronic platform that processes and validates import declarations, ensuring that goods meet all customs requirements quickly and accurately.

It automates key processes, including duty calculation, risk assessment, and customs clearance, reducing paperwork and processing times.

For businesses regularly dealing with imports, AIS is critical to avoiding delays at the border and ensuring compliance with customs regulations.

How Does AIS Benefit Your Business?

AIS provides some important advantages for importers:

  • Faster clearance: By processing declarations electronically, AIS speeds up the entire customs process. Your goods are cleared in real-time, ensuring minimal disruption to your supply chain.
  • Reduced errors: Automated validation ensures that your declarations are accurate and compliant, helping to avoid costly mistakes and potential penalties.
  • Seamless integration: AIS can integrate directly with other systems, allowing for smoother operations and full visibility over your imports.
  • Duty management: The system automatically calculates duties and taxes owed, helping you to better manage costs and avoid surprises.

You can read more about AIS here: What is the Automated Import System (AIS)? (

Staying Compliant and Staying Competitive

As customs regulations become more complex, staying compliant is more important, and arguably more difficult, than ever.

AIS offers the tools to ensure your business is meeting all legal requirements while staying competitive.

Our customs team can help you understand the impact AIS can have on your business, ensuring your goods are cleared quickly, accurately, and with full compliance. Drop them a message at

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